IMS treatment involves the insertion of monofilament needles into the injured area to release muscle tension. Our dry needling therapy in Abbotsford takes care of conditions like headaches, arthritis, lower back pain, rotator cuff injuries, etc.
IMS is similar to acupuncture. The professional uses a very thin filament needle to insert into the affected areas in your body. These needles target a compressed nerve root and create a harmless therapeutic injury. The surrounding muscles as a result grab onto the needle. The procedure stimulates healing, relaxes the muscles and helps the nerves function optimally. The tiny harmless injury created by the needle sends signals to the brain to start the healing process. It helps the muscles restore until the entire area is completely healed and free of pain.
It’s fine if you are still confused about it.
At Legend Physiotherapy Clinic, we guide you through the treatment and how it can benefit you. Let us know about your health goals, examine the injuries and determine if you should go for dry needling.
IMS (Dry Needling Therapy) comes in handy when no other treatment works out. It stimulates the healing process and strengthens the affected muscles gradually. Most importantly, it boosts the natural healing response of your body.
The number of IMS treatments varies from person to person. Our professionals assess the severity of your condition, the duration of your pain, the development of your scar tissue and the self-healing rate of your body. These details help them determine how many IMS treatments you need. As a matter of fact, the sooner you start the IMS treatment, the quicker you will recover. Deeply rooted pain takes a longer time to heal whereas recent pain may heal within two treatments.
You can opt for our IMS treatment at Legend Physiotherapy Clinic. We embrace an individualized approach to treating every patient at our clinic. We guide you through the entire procedure before starting the treatment. The team evaluates your injuries thoroughly to ensure that you get the best treatment.