Mon-Sat: 8:30am-6:30pm
Sun: 9am–3pm



What is Orthopedic Physiotherapy?

Orthopedic physiotherapy is a medical specialty that deals with functional impairments of the skeletal system. It diagnoses and treats all problems related to your musculoskeletal system, which consists of bones, muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons. An orthopedic physiotherapist acquires the skills and education required to treat conditions that affect your musculoskeletal system. It can be […]


How Physiotherapists Play a Key Role in Concussion Treatment

A concussion is a mild traumatic injury that affects the brain. It occurs due to a direct blow to the head with a sudden, powerful mechanical force. You may not realize but this condition is far more common than you think. At least 160,000 Canadians suffer a brain injury that leads to concussions every year. […]


Role of Physiotherapy in Post-Surgical Care and Rehabilitation Fully Explained

Healing after surgery is a daunting process. It often involves a great deal of pain, discomfort and mobility problems. Thus, doctors recommend physiotherapy after surgery to help patients heal smoothly in a short period of time. Physical therapy provides your muscles, tissues and joints the strength and support they need to recover completely. In other […]


Role of Physiotherapy in Injury Prevention You Should Know About

Prevention is better than cure.’ So, why wait for the injury to kick in when you can prevent it in the first place? The severity reduces and the rate of recovery also becomes shorter. Let’s say you work on laptops for 6-7 hours every day. Chances are you end up slouching after a certain period […]


Who Is The Best Physiotherapist Near Me?

How can I find the best physiotherapist near me?’ You have come to the right place if you can relate to this query. Physiotherapists are licensed and trained individuals with expertise in human movement sciences. They assess, diagnose and treat musculoskeletal and neuropathy disorders that cause pain and discomfort. Their methods are non-invasive, and painless […]


What is Physical Therapy and How Can It Help?

Physical therapy or physiotherapy is a healthcare rehabilitative practice that helps manage chronic pain and restore normal mobility. You can think of it as a conservative approach to treating movement problems or musculoskeletal disorders. It uses exercises, movement training and posture correction techniques to bring relief instead of pain meds or surgeries. Whether you want […]


What You Need to Know About Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a healthcare profession that focuses on relieving neuromuscular disorders. It is based on the theory that structural derangement of the spine can affect the nervous system, causing painful sensations in different parts of the body. The treatments are non-invasive and focus on restoring your optimal mobility.  You may have neck pain but […]


Is Dry Needling Right For You?

Dry needling is a common treatment in Abbotsford. People may find the name intimidating initially but the procedure is anything but painful. On the contrary, it boosts the production of the body’s own pain-relieving hormone, endorphins. It is also known as intramuscular stimulation or trigger point therapy. Acupuncturists and physical therapists undergo training to provide […]


What is Sports Physiotherapy? All That You Need To Know

Sports physiotherapy is a specialized branch of physiotherapy that focuses on managing and preventing injuries obtained from sports and enhancing the performance of athletes. Any kind of sport that includes physical activity is prone to injuries. However, sports injuries can have different forms. Football, for instance, puts a lot of stress on the player’s Achilles […]


What You Should Know About Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy/physical therapy includes but is not limited to pain management. It, in fact, plays a key role in the overall health of individuals of all ages. From heart and lung diseases to brain injury, it can help in a wide range of conditions. So, is it a wise alternative pain meds? Can you trust it […]


The Effectiveness of Physiotherapy in Fracture Recovery- What You Need to Know

A fracture is painful already. Recovering from it is hectic and time-consuming on a whole other level. Thanks to physiotherapy, the process can be easier and faster. Doctors often recommend physiotherapy after fracture at different stages of the recovery process. Each session focuses on relieving pain, discomfort and restoring the normal strength of damaged muscles […]


How is Physiotherapy A Part of a Sustainable Healthcare System?

Sustainable healthcare is a system that helps maintain an individual’s health without putting future generations at risk. It focuses on improving health outcomes and benefitting patients through reduced emission of carbon footprint and restricted use of natural resources. Physiotherapy is one of the preferable treatment options in a sustainable healthcare system. But, how does it […]


Which Exercises Help You Recover From Ankle Sprain?

An ankle sprain is painful. But, recovering from the same isn’t. A physiotherapist assesses the condition to detect the exact damaged muscles, tendons or ligaments. They prepare a treatment program to reduce the pain and discomfort as quickly as possible. The treatment program consists of a wide range of exercises that engage your ankle more, […]


Most Effective Exercises for Tendonitis in the Wrists and Achilles

Tendonitis is a painful condition. If you are experiencing it, you already know. Overuse of muscles puts abnormal pressure on the tendons causing the condition. It is, however, possible to relieve the symptoms with specific exercises under the guidance of a physiotherapist. The exercises focus on reducing pain and inflammation and restoring your normal lifestyle. […]


What are the Back Pain Treatment Options Without Surgery?

Back pain may not always occur with old age.  Sports injuries, workplace accidents and musculoskeletal injuries are some of the common causes of back pain.  80% of adults experience chronic back pain at some point in their life.  Surgeries may not always be the answer.  Alternatives like physiotherapy or chiropractic care can also relieve back […]


Five Main Reasons Why Physiotherapy After Surgery Is Highly Recommended

Surgeries are not fun. Getting through one successfully is quite a great deal. But, what’s the next step to recovery? Your body is still weak after the surgery. This is where the role of physiotherapy after surgery comes into play.  Physiotherapy is an integral part of the recovery process after surgery. It gets your muscles moving […]


Physiotherapy for Skiing Injuries: Benefits of Physiotherapy

It is tempting to jump on the ski slopes as soon as the winter sets in. Isn’t it? But, there’s more to skiing than the fun and excitement. Physiotherapy can help you prepare for the ski season. You can only treat but also prevent skiing injuries through physiotherapy. Still skeptical about physiotherapy for skiing injuries?  […]


How Physiotherapy Offers a Safer Solution Than Pain Medications

Ideally, pain meds should come in handy when nothing else can help you return to a pain-free state. In reality, pain meds are taken as the first option to treat pain. These medicines mask the pain instead of treating it from the core. You may still have the condition despite the pain being gone temporarily. […]


Top Five Tips to Get Rid of TMJ Pain Quickly

Life can be unexplainably hard without the temporomandibular joint or TMJ. After all, these joints help you move your jaw. In the case of TMJ disorder, the muscles and ligaments surrounding the TMJ swell up causing pain and difficulty in chewing, grinding teeth, swallowing or laughing. TMJ pain takes a toll on your daily life. […]


Five Ways To Prevent Winter Injuries Shared by Top Physiotherapists

Winters in Canada are freezing cold. There’s more to the winters than a visit to Niagara Falls and indulging in ice fishing. There are high chances of getting injured during these months. You may have hurt your back while shovelling. An ice sidewalk may have caused you to fall and get injured. No wonder physiotherapists […]


Physiotherapy- Types, Benefits and The Non-Invasive Practice

According to definitions expressed by the World Confederation of Physical Therapists (WCPT), physical therapy is all about identifying & increasing the quality of life through non-invasive & drug-free procedures. In medical terms, physical therapy is often...


Four Unavoidably Important Reasons Why Physiotherapy Is Essential To Daily Lives

Physiotherapy in Abbotsford is quite a popular buzzword these days. Why wouldn’t it be? It is the solution to annoying back pains or any other chronic pain in your body. Pain or injuries are often unavoidable. But, it has the potential to cure the pain and help you...


How Soon After An Injury You Must Begin Physical Therapy- Read Now!

Nobody really plans injuries. From the sudden toppling over bushes to a strain in the muscle while playing football, there can be a wide gamut of scenarios that lead to injuries. Injuries are painful. It takes a severe toll on your physical and mental health. Yes,...


Post-Concussion Syndrome and The Role of Physiotherapy

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury or mTBI. There isn’t any specific time period for recovering from a concussion completely. Some may recover within a few weeks while others may show symptoms for several months or even years. This condition is known as a...


How Much Does it Cost to See a Physiotherapist?

Physiotherapy is essential for those individuals who are recovering from major injuries and illnesses. If you are a resident of Vancouver, British Columbia and you search for “physiotherapy sessions near me”, then Abbotsford is the place where you can find your...


Five Most Common Causes of Upper Back Pain

Do you feel pain anywhere between the base of the neck and the bottom of the rib cage? Then chances are you are suffering from upper back pain. Upper back pain isn’t as common as lower back pain but is equally painful. The key to quick recovery is to consult with a...


Top Five Ways To Maintain a Good Posture While Working

Posture plays an important role in keeping us fit. We realize its significance, especially when we are doing it wrong. The wrong posture causes chronic pain in the back, neck and even arms. The work-from-home regime has led to an increase in screen time among several...


Effective Sleeping Tips to Keep a Check on Lower Back Pain

Physiotherapists in Abbotsford attend to lower back pain complaints almost every day and among varying ages. Nowadays, lower back pain isn’t always an age-related problem. It can be due to an incorrect posture, frequent slouching over desks and more. Incorrect...