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How Effective Is Physiotherapy After Fracture?

A fracture is painful already. Recovering from it is hectic and time-consuming on a whole other level. Thanks to physiotherapy, the process can be easier and faster. Doctors often recommend physiotherapy after fracture at different stages of the recovery process. Each session focuses on relieving pain, discomfort and restoring the normal strength of damaged muscles and tissues. If you are wondering if physical therapy is an effective treatment to restore normal life after a fracture, here’s your answer.

Why Start Physiotherapy After Fracture?

A fracture is a break in the continuity of a bone. There are different types of fractures such as open, closed, stable, unstable, etc. Unstable and complicated fractures need surgery to recover fully. The stable and simple ones, however, can recover through closed reduction techniques, of which physical therapy is an integral part.

The broken bone needs the utmost rest to heal itself. Thus, it is immobilized during the treatment usually using casts. The constant immobility of the bone causes tension and stiffness in the associated muscles and soft tissues. Thus, patients find it difficult to regain normal mobility or return to the optimum lifestyle even after the cast has been removed.

This is where the role of physical therapy comes into play. The therapists help you regain your full level of function through weight-bearing activities and exercises. They evaluate your condition and recommend the total number of sessions you would need to heal completely.

What are the Different Physiotherapy Treatments for Fractures?

Interestingly, physical therapy is beneficial in different stages of recovery after a fracture. Let’s have a look.

Physiotherapy for fractures in the hospitals

Your physical therapist may visit you in the hospital if that is what takes for you to recover from a fracture. For instance, let’s say you broke your ankle. Then the therapist assists you to use a cane or crutch. In the case of lower extremity fractures, the therapist may guide you through weight-bearing restrictions. They can also teach you how to put on and remove a sling in case of a fractured arm.

Physiotherapy for fractures at home

This is beneficial if the injury doesn’t let you get out of your home. So, the therapist guides you through the exercises required to improve your endurance and strengthen muscles. They also help you get familiar with assistive diseases within your home environment.

Physiotherapy for fractures at the clinic

You can visit the physiotherapy clinic on your own when you have regained enough strength following the fracture. The physiotherapist works with you to help you restore normal function and lifestyle after the fracture.

Is Physical Therapy Safe Following Fracture?

Yes, physiotherapy is a safe rehabilitation option after a fracture. It focuses on strengthening the damaged muscles and soft tissues and improving the mobility of the fractured joint. It is easier and faster to return to a normal lifestyle under the guidance of a licensed physiotherapist.

Legend Physiotherapy is one of the top-rated physiotherapy clinics that provide fracture rehabilitation in Abbotsford. You can have a word with the team to know how we help patients recover from a fracture.